The Second Amendment
of facts and opinion are floating around the cyberwaves re: guns,
gun-control, and the Second Amendment following the recent mass shooting
in Florida. Notice that the guns are called assault rifles or
semi-automatics, but not weapons of mass destruction, even though the
gunman killed 17 and seriously wounded others.
Constitution: “A well regulated militia being necessary to the
security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms
shall not be infringed.” is often quoted in the defense of gun
ownership, but it’s always the second part of the Second Amendment,
never the first. Now, an amendment to the 2nd Amendment has been
proposed that would ban discrimination. The National Dyslexia Society
has claimed the right to arm bears and no discrimination would be
allowed. Black bears, brown bears, and white bears shall be equal under
under the law.
groups want to ban discrimination in the nature of the weapon. All
kinds of weapons would be allowed: muzzle loaded rifles, semi- automatic
assault rifles, rocket propelled grenades, anti-aircraft guns, cruise
missiles, and anti-tank guns with depleted uranium shells. Only ICBMs
with nuclear explosives are forbidden as being in the domain of the
gods. Some gun-control freaks have objected to assault rifles with high
capacity magazines that can fire off up to 32 rounds without reloading.
But, suppose you were attacked by a herd of mastodons or even a pair of
angry wooly rhinos.
gun entrepreneurs have been taking free enterprise to a shameful
extreme, only a week after the school shooting in Florida by sending out
a mass e-mailing, inviting respondents to”Qualify to carry concealed —
new loophole for US residents to carry a gun legally. Qualify in
minutes. Get your concealed carry license before they take away your
Australia did it right. In 1996, there was a terrible mass shooting in
Port Arthur Tasmania. In response, the Prime Minister drafted the
National Firearms Agreement that established a Registry of all guns and a
straight-out ban on semi-automatic assault rifles. Another part of the
Agreement mandated a buy-back program of all banned guns. The results
were remarkable— suicides declined by 57% and homicides by 42%. Nearby
South Korea, Japan, and New Zealand have seen only the rarest case of a
mass shooting. New Zealand police are not routinely armed — They say it
would destroy the trust between the police and the people. These nations
still look for ways such as comprehensive national registries to
diminish the chances for a mass shooting ever to occur. In the US they
look for loopholes.
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